Gonsalo Cuellar
"Michael Colella showed me so much love and respect right out the gate, since the day he introduced himself to me. We met at a volunteering event called “Feed My Starving Children” this past March. I even skipped out on my family reunion back in my hometown to attend and participate at this event which took place in Illinois. Mike told me “You missed your family reunion to come and help your other family”. That was touching. We have gotten to know each other better as the months progressed. We even hung out with the team in New York City's Times Square and I spoke at a presentation in Pennsylvania with Mike.
I love the way Mike keeps us motivated. He's not afraid to tell it like it is, and tell YOU, what YOU need to hear to get back on track towards your goals and dreams. Mike always says “A mind is like a parachute, it only works when its open.” That statement right there blew my mind and made me laugh at the same time because it is so true!
Recently, Michael even quoted one of my Facebook status', about not giving up no matter what other say or what gets thrown in your way. I felt so honored and highly complimented, like I was doing something “right” and that I was on the road to success! I couldn't even describe the excitement I was feeling at that time because there was so much high positive energy transferred to me! It made me feel like I was on top of the world! This man really cares a great deal about the financial wellness of everyone including his team, family and friends!"
I love the way Mike keeps us motivated. He's not afraid to tell it like it is, and tell YOU, what YOU need to hear to get back on track towards your goals and dreams. Mike always says “A mind is like a parachute, it only works when its open.” That statement right there blew my mind and made me laugh at the same time because it is so true!
Recently, Michael even quoted one of my Facebook status', about not giving up no matter what other say or what gets thrown in your way. I felt so honored and highly complimented, like I was doing something “right” and that I was on the road to success! I couldn't even describe the excitement I was feeling at that time because there was so much high positive energy transferred to me! It made me feel like I was on top of the world! This man really cares a great deal about the financial wellness of everyone including his team, family and friends!"